Monthly Archives: January 2014

The second invasion that didn’t hapen

During 1943 and early 1944 while the Allies were planning ‘Overlord’ for the D-Day invasion of France across the English Channel they were also planning a companion diversion called ‘Anvil’. This would be a smaller invasion of southern France from Italy in order to prevent the Germans from moving troops to northern France during the main invasion. As the date got closer it became obvious that this could not occur due to the tougher than expected continued fighting in Italy. However the end result was the same as the Germans had to reinforce their troops in Italy which kept some troops away from France. Rome was finally captured on June 5th which was the original planned date for Overlord which got delayed one day due to weather conditions. Russia was also supposed to start a major offensive in coordination with D-Day and that finally happened a couple weeks later.

(Book – The Second World War – Winston S. Churchill)

The Italians obviously did not like the Russians

After Italy surrendered to the Allies the Russians said that they wanted part of the Italian fleet that the Allies received. At the conference at Tehran it was agreed that the Russians would get one battleship, one cruiser, eight destroyers, four submarines and some mercantile ships. When the time came for the Allies to turn over the ships the Allies were concerned that the Italians would scuttle the ships rather than allow them to be sent to the Russians. The British offered to lend one of their battleships and the Americans offered to lend one of their cruisers until the Italian ships could be obtained. The Russians agreed to this but noted the lack of the other ships. The Italian ships were turned over after the war and the Russians returned the battleship and cruiser.

(Book – The Second World War – Winston S. Churchill)

The Egyptians did not populate Alexandria

When the Macedonian commander Ptolemy took control of Egypt, instead of ruling from  one of the usual Egyptian capitals like Thebes he established the city of Alexandria. When it was founded the city of Alexandria was considered outside of Egypt so that Egypt was ruled from a city of Greek speaking citizens outside of Egypt.

(The Great Courses – Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age)