A lot of people have this on their bucket list

There are many different people who volunteer for archaeological digs. Some people are students who are getting experience and hope to have a career in the field but many other are just interested people like retirees who always wanted to help on a dig. You can be taught what you need to know in about 15 minutes. You will be provided all the equipment you need but it is suggested that you do bring your own trowel and maybe a pastiche (small handpick). Most people will find that the pickax is the most useful tool on a dig when used properly. The most common thing you will find are sherds which are pieces of pottery (shards are pieces of glass). You will be given three or four buckets. One bucket for the sherds, one bucket for dirt and one or two buckets for animal remains. If you think you see something unusual you will contact your supervisor who will inspect it and possibly takes pictures before you continue.

(The Great Courses – Archaeology: An Introduction to the Worlds Greatest Sites)

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