Ninety Three percent isn’t enough

As the Reformation started there were many different people who were leaders in the fight against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther in Germany and Huldrych Zwingli in Switzerland were two of those leaders. While they both had issues with the Catholic Church they did not agree on all issues. They met at the Marburg Colloquy in 1529 to try and reach agreement to present a untied front against the Catholics. They agreed on 14 of 15 issues but never could agree of the ‘real presence of Christ in the Eucharist’. Martin Luther believed that Christ really was present because it was written in scripture…’this is my body’, while Zwingly said that it was only in spirit. This disagreement prevented a united front and became one of the differences in creating the Lutheran Church and the Reformed Protestants.

(The Great Courses – Christianity in the Reformation Era)



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