Don’t get too close to that planet

Since tidal forces are much closer to a planet a moon that has an orbit too close to a planet will be pulled apart. This is called the Roche limit and it is about 2.4 times the planet’s radius. Outside that limit the moon can be held together by its own gravitational forces. The rings of Saturn are due to planets that were closer than the Roche limit so they were pulled apart by Saturn’s gravity.

(The Great Courses – Black Holes, Tides, and Curved Spacetime: Understanding Gravity)

2 thoughts on “Don’t get too close to that planet

  1. scott toilet paper coupons

    That’s a good idea. I think the first Halloween I’ll probably go all out just because it’s exciting to me, but after that I’ll probably make them.Plus, store-bought costumes mean a lot of other kids will be wearing the same thing… and the hobo is an adorable idea. =]


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