Live longer than your enemies so that you can have the last word

Every school kid learns that Ponce de Leon was known for exploring Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth. Unfortunately the school books are wrong. Ponce was governor of Puerto Rico and was ousted by a group that included Diego Columbus (Christopher’s son) and someone named Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes. After Ponce died Oviedo wrote an account of the America’s where he made up tales Ponce in his ‘search’ in order make him appear foolish.

A couple points: Is is better to be known through history for something foolish you didn’t do or is better to be ‘unknown’?. If the history that we teach our children is wrong on such a well known ‘fact’ of history, how sure are we of any of our facts of history.

(Smithsonian Magazine – June 2013)

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